Publications, Manuscripts from the Working Group

  • Pazzagli L, Li X. Causal Inference Methods in Pharmacoepidemiology. In: Riederer P, Laux G, Nagatsu T, Le W, Riederer C (eds) NeuroPsychopharmacotherapy. Springer, Cham.

  • Burkill S, Waterhouse P, Pazzagli L. The association between family structure and children's BMI over time - the mediating role of income. Annals of Epidemiology. 2021; 55:83-90

  • Richiardi L, Pearce N, Pagano E, Di Cuonzo D, Zugna D, Pizzi C. Baseline selection on a collider: a ubiquitous mechanism occurring in both representative and selected cohort studies. J Epidemiol Community Health. 2019 May;73(5):475-480

  • Pazzagli L, Möllsten A, Waernbaum I. Marginal structural model to evaluate the joint effect of socioeconomic exposures on the risk of developing end-stage renal disease in patients with type 1 diabetes: a longitudinal study based on data from the Swedish Childhood Diabetes Study Group. Annals of epidemiology. 2017; (27)2:479-484.

  • Richiardi L, Zugna D, Bellocco R, Pizzi C. Causal inference in epidemiology: a fruitful debate. Epidemiologia e Prevenzione. 2017; 41 (2): 76-77.

  • Pizzi C, Pearce N, Richiardi L. Noncollapsibility in studies based on nonrepresentative samples. Annal of Epidemiology. 2015; 25(12):955-958.

  • Richiardi L, Pizzi C. Inverse probability weighting (IPW) and baseline selection in etiological cohort studies. 2015. Epidemiologia e Prevenzione. 2015; 39(1):52-54.

  • Richiardi L, Pizzi C, Pearce N. Representativeness. International Journal of Epidemiology. 2014; 43(2):632-633.

  • Richiardi L, Bellocco R, Zugna D. Mediation analysis in epidemiology: methods, interpretation and bias. International Journal of Epidemiology. 2013; 42(5: 1511-1519.

  • Orsini N, Bellocco R, Sjölander A. Doubly robust estimation in Generalized Linear Models. Stata Journal. 2013; 13(1):185-205.

  • Pizzi C, De Stavola BL, Pearce N, Lazzarato F, Ghiotti P, Merletti F, Richiardi L. Selection bias and patterns of confounding in cohort studies: the case of the NINFEA web-based birth cohort. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. 2012; 66(11):976-981.

  • Pizzi C, De Stavola B, Merletti F, Bellocco R, dos Santos Silva I, Pearce N, Richiardi L. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. 2011; 65(5):407-11.

  • Sjölander A., Nyren O, Bellocco R, Evans M. Comparing different strategies for timing of dialysis initiation through inverse probability weighting. American Journal of Epidemiol7. 2011 Nov 15;174(10):1204-10.

  • Richiardi L, Bellocco R. Methods for causal inference in epidemiology Epidemiologia e Prevenzione. 2010; 34(1-2):5-6.

  • Romio SA, Bellocco R, Corrao G. Introductive remarks on Causal Inference. Statistica. 2010.

  • Dallolio L, Bellocco R., Richiardi L. Fantini MP, and the Causal Inference In Epidemiology (ICE) SISMEC Working Group. Biomedical Statistics and Clinical Epidemiology. 2009; 3 (2): 93-100.

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